ABS Australia
Resilience Assessment, Training and Coaching for Sales Leadership Team
ABS Australia engaged PB Performance and Development to undertake a resilience program with the National Sales and Services Management Team. The company was experiencing significant change, challenge and uncertainty. New competitors created increased pressure to retain market share plus loss of experienced staff, and there were changes in leadership and structure, staff roles, responsibilities and locations. ABS was concerned to ensure that managers were equipped with personal resilience skills to deal positively with the changes and support their staff to remain healthy and productive during a time of significant transition and rebuilding.
The program was based around the Resilience at Work (McEwen) model, and included administration of the Resilience at Work assessment scale, 1-day resilience training workshop and individual coaching sessions with each of the management team. The program assisted participants to increase self-awareness, identify and embed individual resilience strategies. For example:
- Personal time management and productivity
- Work-life balance
- Setting work and personal boundaries
- Personal confidence
- Adjusting to change and coping with uncertainty
- Setting and managing expectations with staff
- Working with clients who are undergoing hardship and crisis
- Building personal and professional support networks
- Developing and maintaining healthy behaviours such as diet, sleep and exercise
Feedback from managers was positive, with each of them gaining confidence and skills in assessing and addressing pertinent issues for themselves and their team. Managers developed strategies to implement change and to maintain confidence within the teams, which helped combat concerns and identified ways to overcome negative matters. The impact of the program has been ongoing.